Saturday, March 24, 2012

Music + Reading

It's no secret that listening to music goes along with reading a good book. It's like Oreo cookies + milk, pancakes + syrup, peas in a pod. At least that's the way it is for me.

When I'm in the mood the right music helps me read faster than I can imagine. And sometimes I even try to multitask by reading, listening to music and singing along. I either mess up the lyrics, stop singing halfway through or totally ace the multitasking and even impress myself. *RARE*

I usually just put my iTunes on shuffle and let it rock. But if it's late at night and I don't want to disturb anyone in my house or I just want a little ambient noise, I listen to acoustic versions of favorite songs with the volume at 'barely audible'. Then when it's 3AM and I'm a page or two away from finishing, I turn off the music all together.

I don't have a specific playlist entitled 'Reading Music' and I don't plan on making one. The acoustic thing  and random shuffle thing is working for me. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Sometimes I head to YouTube or Pandora and listen music on there that I don't have in my iTunes Library.

It's pretty even, 50/50, to the times where I do listen to music while reading and the times when I don't. Guaranteed if I'm on the train, I definitely have my iPod on while I'm reading.

If a song is mentioned in the book I'm reading, then I'll listen to it too. I'll pause whatever music I have on and play it. The one time I remember doing this was when I was reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Asleep by The Smiths was mentioned so I listened to it while I read. I recommend that book, by the way.

There's not much else really to say about music and reading. Basically, I listen to whatever. No specific music goes with a specific book.

Do you listen to music while you read?  What kind of music do you listen to? Or do you need complete silence?

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