Friday, March 2, 2012

Bret Easton Ellis

As I have finished all of Bret Easton Ellis's novels in 2011 (a rather distinguished goal for me), I thought I'd put my brief thoughts about each into a post. Maybe the short description will pique your curiosity.

American Psycho was much better than the film, but the film was still excellent. When I finished I couldn't fathom how anyone could write something like American Psycho.

The Rules of Attraction was my favorite. I liked the fast pace and how it was written in the different perspectives of each character. 

Glamorama was definitely the most unsettling Ellis novel. The ending left me feeling sorry for Victor.

Less Than Zero was short and simple. Clay's distantness attracted me.

 Imperial Bedrooms wasn't my favorite. Clay was less distant therefore less attractive. 

 The Informers was confusing and funny.

Lunar Park had me in tears. I'd never read a book so hauntingly beautiful

Thank you, Bret Easton Ellis for making 2011 the best year in reading for me. You are a genius.  

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