Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chuck Palahniuk

Who doesn't love a Chuck Palahniuk novel? His epic plot twists have M. Night Shyamalan in a tizzy! I'm no exception to the rule either; my jaw drops as my mind is blown after finishing one of Palahniuk's novels.

The first Palahniuk novel I read, and as of now the best, was Diary. I'm still wondering how it really ends. Next, I read Fight Club. All I have to say about Fight Club is TYLER DURDEN LIVES! The film adaptation of was just as good; they stuck to the novel really well. Do yourself a favor and read Fight Club, the novel, even if you've already seen the film.

Also, I call dibs on developing Diary into a screenplay.

Now, since I've read all the novels written by my favorite author, Bret Easton Ellis, I thought it'd be a good idea to start reading Chuck Palahniuk novels. I love his style of writing and like I said before, I'm always amazed by his books. He never ceases to disappoint.

Here's the complete list of Chuck Palahniuck novels (in no particular order):
  • Diary
  • Fight Club
  • Choke
  • Damned
  • Haunted
  • Invisible Monsters
  • Lullaby
  • Pygmy
  • Rant
  • Snuff
  • Survivor
  • Invisible Monsters Remix
  • Tell-All
I can't wait to start reading! But unfortunately, I have to; I want to get all my readings for my classes done before I get to do some reading for myself. There's nothing worse than not being able to read for pleasure when you have to read for school.

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