Anyway, I can't immortalize all that Meg Cabot has done for me in one blog post, but you know, I'll try.
I first want to thank Meg Cabot for being such a boss ass writer and for coming into my life. I want also want to thank my Mom for buying me Meg Cabot books and Barnes & Noble for selling them.
Where do I begin?!? I guess at the beginning, where it all began..
The first ever Meg Cabot novel I read was Size 14 Is Not Fat Either. It's the sequel to Size 12 Is Not Fat and part of the Heather Wells Mystery series adult book series. I was maybe thirteen reading an "adult" novel by Meg Cabot as my introduction to her style of writing. And what an introduction it was! I was hooked! Now I want to read Size 12 Is Not Fat, Big Boned and Size 12 And Ready To Rock.
From there, I was off! I read every Meg Cabot novel I could get my hands on. I own most of the ones I read too, which is great because I've read two of them twice. And they just keep getting better!
In no particular order, here are all the Meg Cabot novels I've read and my opinions(without giving too much away).:
Pants on Fire: I don't know what made me want to read Pants on Fire besides the fact that Meg Cabot is the author. Maybe it was the title; I thought of liars and what this book could possibly be about. I picked it up from Barnes & Noble maybe the Summer between eighth grade and freshman year of high school. Since then I've read it twice and it has become an instant favorite. I love the style of writing and the protagonist, Katie Ellison. She's sort of an antihero and I love stories like that.
How To Be Popular: I recently saw this again in my local library. The first time I saw it, I checked it out to read. That was years ago; I'm a freshman in college now (almost a sophomore) and I think I read How To Be Popular when I was a freshman in high school. From what I remember I loved the ending and the two (maybe) love interests Steph Landry has in the book. And because of those two factors How To Be Popular is another favorite of mine. I'd have to read it again to decide which I like more between Pants on Fire and How To Be Popular. I also want to buy How To Be Popular; my memory is telling me I really, really liked it so why not own it. I want How To Be Popular to be the story of my life.
Jinx: I might have bought Jinx the same time I bought Pants on Fire. And I might have read it when I was a sophomore in high school. I know that I read it twice and loved it. Jinx was really out of Meg Cabot's element for me. It's about Jean Honeychurch, her bad luck and witchcraft! Out of all the Meg Cabot novels I had read (at that point in my life) this one was way different than the rest. I can't think of any part of Jinx I didn't like. I know there was one part I'd change, but that's just me.
The Airhead novels: This was the second series by Meg Cabot I read. I read two-thirds of them over this past Summer and the first novel Senior year of high school. The series follows Em Watts and goes from Airhead to Being Nikki to finally Runaway. When I say this series got better after each novel, please be aware I am making a COMPLETE understatement; I'm not even beginning to touch upon the magnitude of this series. I have to say this series is my favorite. I've only read (completely) one other series by Meg Cabot, but this trilogy is the best. The last novel, Runaway, didn't end quite how I wanted it to, but damnnit Meg Cabot I can't be mad at you! Runaway was also my favorite novel out of the three book series. I can't say anymore without giving the plot away, but I really liked this series because like Jinx, it's science fiction-esque and none other Meg Cabot novels that I read were like this. I appreciated Meg writing about something so completely different that made me so completely frustrated. I love when books evoke emotions from me; that means I really liked it. If you read any series by Mrs. Cabot, read this one.
Queen of Babble series: This is the first series I read from the beloved Meg Cabot. I read this series in seventh or eighth grade. Queen of Babble series is an adult novel series. Now if you have read even the first novel of this sereis, try to imagine a naïve thirteen/fourteen year old reading the scene where... Well I'll let you figure that out on your own. Anyway, being that this was the first series I'd ever read by Meg Cabot, I automatically fell in love with it. What also did it for me was that the main character, Lizzie Nichols, was an aspiring Fashion Designer. At the time, when I read this series, so was I. I found it quaint, the parallel between me and the protagonist; which kept me hooked. I didn't feel as drawn to this series as I did the Em Watts series. Maybe because I was so young when I read it, but I was old enough to have an opinion on how the love interest shifts. I didn't like the shift; it changed for both Lizzie and her best friend. I wasn't a fan; I liked the man she was with in the first novel. Regardless of that, I love this series and since I own it, I plan to read it again.
Avalon High series: I've only read one novel from this series, the first novel. For some reason I didn't feel the urge to continue it, but now I'm thinking why didn't I? I found the first novel beyond interesting; I remember finishing it in a couple of days. Once again the first novel, Avalon High, was so innovative. None of the other Cabot novels I'd read had paralleled a story like Avalon High did. It wasn't exactly an allegory because the second story was explicitly shown, but you could say it was an allegory. I just remember connecting with Ellie because both her parents were teachers and both my parents are teachers. Don't you just love when you have something in common with a character in a book? It makes me feel kind of famous. I also remember loving the details and the setting; pure genius. The three other novels in the series are graphic novels I think. There's a preview of the second book in the back of my copy of Avalon High. I just convinced myself, I'm going to read the rest of the novels in this series.
The Princess Diaries series: This is the final series I "read"by Meg Cabot. It was only maybe a year ago that I found out The Princess Diaries (the films by Disney) were based on The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot. But I tried to read this series in eighth grade, well after The Princess Diaries and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement came out. I couldn't get into it this series though and unlike the Gossip Girl series, I didn't give this series a second chance. I like to read books about characters who are my age, close to my age or older than me. It's rare that I read a novel, let alone a whole series, about a character who's younger than me and Mia is three years younger than me; I'm bias like that. I didn't find seeing the film then reading one book in the series irritating. I didn't fall in love with either; I didn't even finish the one novel I tried to read from this series. I didn't like that she had a cat (I hate cats) or a boyfriend when I didn't. I was mostly annoyed by this character and therefore couldn't be bothered. There's a lot of books in this series, thirteen; you'd really have to be into The Princess Diaries to finish this series. There's fourteen novels in the Gossip Girl series, but I was really, heavily into Gossip Girl that's why I read them all. I'm only comparing The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot to the Gossip Girl series by Cecily von Ziegesar because I started reading them at the same time, in the same way, but I only continued to read Gossip Girl. Also because Cabot and von Zeigesar are my favorite female authors; they're very comparable to me. But getting back to the point, I didn't like The Princess Diaries series, I don't think I ever will, but that won't take away from the fact that Meg Cabot is an amazeballs writer.
Meg Cabot has TONS of other novels and series that I know about, but haven't read. I'm unsure if I'll ever read all of her novels; they're not all my taste, especially the books for "tweens".
Meg Cabot will forever be the first author I ever fell in love with and she continues to inspire me even after four years of reading her novels. Maybe one day I can turn one of my favorite novels of hers into a multimillion dollar film.
This link is the Pandora's Box of all things Meg Cabot! No, it's not a Wikipedia page, it's way better, it's her ~*Official Website*~! Check it out! Along with all the novels mentioned in this post, you won't be sorry.
And if Meg Cabot ever reads this, I'd die!