Monday, August 5, 2013

Reading List!: August 2013

This will be Part One of a two part post about the books I'm reading in August 2013!

I need to read an average of six and a half books per month to complete my goal of reading fifty books in 2013. I didn't exactly complete that in July. August is a new month and a new chance to read six and a half books.

It's the end of summer, but reading halts for no man.

Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger 
The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom 
Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress by Kyra Davis
The Last of the Savages by Jay McInerney

Challenge accepted. 

P.S.: Two of the books I requested weren't ready to be checked out from the library when I posted this. That's why there'll be two parts. 

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