Saturday, December 14, 2013

Update #13: The Last Update of 2013

I know you're probably SO tired of seeing updates on my blog. I think a good majority of my posts for this year have been updates. I know it sucks and I don't like writing them over writing reviews, but I don't want it to go unexplained why I haven't been posting regularly. 

The main reason is finals have been kicking my ass. I haven't had a minute to myself since Thanksgiving weekend. I have had NO time. I've been writing papers since the first week of December. I've only been able to read on the way to school because as soon as I get home I go straight into working on papers. 

I've decided Doomed By Chuck Palahniuk will be the last book I read in 2013. It's unfortunate that I won't be completing my goal of reading fifty books this year. However, I did complete my first which was to read thirty books this year. I would've loved to read more books this year, but as soon as school started my leisure time stopped. I only read one book in November. It really sucks, but next year hopefully I'll complete my goal of reading fifty books. Maybe when finals are over and I start my Christmas break, I'll read a couple more books. For now, I just want to finish Doomed, the semester and relax. I don't think I'll want to read anything after school ends because I just feel like I'll want to give my brain a rest. If I do end up reading more books, those will be revealed in my end of the year post. So stay tuned. 

I hope your last month of 2013 has been easier than mine and I hope whatever book you're reading is enjoyable!

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