Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Update #7

Hallo Lesen Monsters!

The past few weeks have been insane. Between writing for school, my worldly responsibilities and that little bit when my internet was down for a week, it's amazing I posted three times in one week! I'm really impressed with myself for doing that too because there was the whole month in the summer I let pass by without me posting once.

I posted three times last week because:
  1. I wanted to have four posts in February (Just for my own sanity) 
  2. I didn't get to post for a week in February because my internet was down (I didn't want to just let that week go by in vain)
  3. I wanted to have the birthday post on the actual birthday of Lectionem Monstrum (Not within the week)
I decided that posting three times in one week was better than not posting at all and waiting another week. I like to post once a week just in case I come to a lag in posts I'll have something, but I have so many drafts I'll be fine.

Earlier I posted this; that's what I'll be reading for the next couple of weeks. I also got an inspiration for a new post that came to me in a fever dream. And of course the final two Chuck Palahniuk posts are in the works. 

I'm super excited for the future of Lectionem Monstrum and you should be too! 

Halten beim lesen!

Email me at lectionemmonstrum@gmail.com 

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