Thursday, January 10, 2013

Update #5

Hello Reading Monsters!

I hate to make a post like this when I'm so on the cusp of finishing Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk, but I didn't want to wait another week to update the blog.

I'm almost done with Haunted, I have less than seventy pages left. Look out for a review soon! I started reading Haunted before the new year, about two weeks before New Year's Eve. Then I got distracted from reading it because I was on vacation and just relaxing. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I like to read on the subway while I'm going to school or on my way to meet up with a friend. Maybe I'll make a post about it one day. Anyway, since I was on vacation I wasn't taking the subway. Hence why I stopped reading. Now I'm back in the groove, reading on the subway and any other place I get the chance. That's why I'm almost done with Haunted.

When I finish Haunted, I'll have four Chuck Palahniuk books left to read! (Three, if you don't count Invisible Monster Remix as a different book). However after Haunted, I'm going to read the first two books in Hilary Duff's series. There won't be a review on those books until I read the third and final book that comes out in April, so there'll be a bit of a wait.

I'm also back at school. This week was the first week of the Spring semester. I'm a little overwhelmed with new classes and getting back into the flow of getting up for school and school work. Bare with me as I get back into my daily routine. When I get back into my routine, normal posting on Lectionem Monstrum will commence.

Help me decide which Palahniuk novel to read next: Damned or Survivor?
I'm leaning towards Damned because I read the synopsis and it sounds funny.

As always send requests and suggestions to! Tell me what you're reading too!

Just Keep Reading!

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