Monday, December 31, 2012

Top Five Books of 2012

I read a lot of books this past year. It was great! I'm absolutely sure 2012 is the year I've read the most books. I've read about eleven books this year and I hope to increase that number next year. I'm going to keep a list of all the novels I read in 2013. My goal is to read twenty and when I hit that, fifty.

Here are my Top Five Books I've read in 2012, in order:

  1. Choke by Chuck Palahniuk 
  2. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson 
  3. Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk 
  4. The Hipster Handbook by Robert Lanham
  5. Tell-All by Chuck Palahniuk 
Of course I absolutely recommend every single one of these books! Read them in any order you want, just be sure to read them!

Sidenote: 2012 was the year of Chuck Palahniuk.

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