Monday, January 21, 2013

Update #6/Upcoming #2

Hello again Reading Monsters!

Another update post so soon?! I know, I'm sorry, but this time the update is not because I'm stalling to read a book. This update is to let you know what's upcoming on Lectionem Monstrum.

I'm in the midst of reading the Elixir series by Hilary Duff with Elise Allen. Honestly, I don't even know if I really even want to finish this series. It's probably the most boring, predictable series I've ever read, ever. The third and final book of the series (thank god) comes out in April. I mean, I've read two out of three books already, I might as well finish the series, but I'm sure as hell not going to like it. Plus I promised a post reviewing all three books and I'm not one to break promises. I think my reasons for not liking the series needs to be explained and the post will provide reasons why I felt the Elixir series was not a fun read for me. I'm playing with idea of splitting the reviews of the Elixir series into four different posts (one for each book and the series all together), but I can't be bothered. It'll just be one post for all four parts.

I've requested Damned by Chuck Palahniuk at my local library; I can't wait to start reading it! I think I better request Survivor too, just so I won't have to wait to read my next book after I finish Damned.

Here are three upcoming posts that you'll see on Lectionem Monstrum in the next weeks. Get hype!
  1. A random "Top Three Books" post
  2. GOOSEBUMPS Masterpost (It's been a loooong time coming, but I'm finally gonna write it!)
  3. "Top Three Places I Love to Read" post
Direct any suggestions to or leave a comment.

As always, Just Keep Reading!

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