Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas 2012 Wish List

There's only one week until Christmas! I'm excited to eat, spend the whole day with my family and listen to Christmas music!

This year I only have ONE item on my list. (Crazy, right?!) That one item is: 
Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales by The Grimm Brothers 
(Available at Barnes & Nobles)

Recently, I've been watching A LOT of Supernatural (understatement of the year). There was one episode in season three entitled "Bedtime Stories" that caught my attention. It was about fairy tales coming to life. They mentioned how the original fairy tales weren't as sweet as Disney has made them out to be. I thought, Hey, I've never read any of the fairy tales by The Grimm Brothers. And that's when I had the brilliant idea to get this book. I love fairy tales and dark ominous stories so this book is perfect for me!

What's on your Christmas list? 

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