Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hello Reading Monsters!!!

This here is going to be an update on my current situation and the future state of this blog.

I'd first like to say, Thank You!!! to everyone who's read this blog and my different posts. I'm having a lot of fun writing the posts and I hope you're having as much fun reading them! I encourage you to email me at anytime about questions, suggestions, etc on books. I'll answer as quickly and as best as I can!

Meanwhile, I'll be going away for a while. I'm starting a new intership soon, in a different state. My means of getting the books I read is The Public Library. Since I'll be leaving the state (for two months), I won't be able to checkout and read books during that time. I don't know if I'll be able to get a library card in the different state I'll be in and checkout books. I don't even know if I'll be able to read during the two months I'll be away. I plan to take one of the books I own with me to read on the airplane. I might take two, one for going there and one for coming home.

I have a number of posts locked and loaded for the next few weeks (I like to post once a week) and I'm slowly planning what posts I could do for two months so that this blog doesn't go dry and I don't disappoint any avid readers.

I may not be able to post every week whilst I'm away, but I am going to try and post any chance I get. So from June 24th to August 18th expect a sparse amount of posts. I apologize in advance, but fear not! I'm loyal to this blog and damn crafty so I won't neglect it for two months. I'll eventually (soon) come up with a plan. I want to read Tell-All by Chuck Palahniuk next, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to before I leave. Your suggestions would come in handy right out now. Why not tell me what you want to see on this blog. It's as much my blog as it is yours.

Look out for new posts soon and stay with me for the upcoming months!

Don't forget to email me suggestions, questions, recommendations for posts and books!!

Your input is highly valued.

Just keep reading!,

A Little Reading Monster.

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