Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Books I've read in 2015

It's no doubt 2015 started off a slooooooow reading year for me. On top of everything, I graduated and reading was put on the backburner. Never thought that would happen. I always like to have something to read especially when I get stressed and need a break. Despite all that, starting off the year by skipping TWO months and reading kind of slow, I'm happy with all the books I read this year because I enjoyed them. And that's a goal all itself.

It's been a tough year and a struggle to stay consistent in my reading. The months that are missing, I didn't read any books. 

She Went All the Way by Meg Cabot 

Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan*
 Pines by Blake Crouch* 

Wayward by Blake Crouch* 
The Last Town by Blake Crouch**

*Very highly recommend
**I recommend only if you've gotten two books in to the Wayward Pines series 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New Year, New Post

Here we are again for another --let's face it-- post of excuses to why I haven't been posting. 

To be honest 2015 was the beginning of the end. In January I was in my final semester of my final year of school. I had a lot of writing to do and when I wasn't writing I wasn't reading because I was relaxing until I had to start writing again. Over the summer I got an internship to read scripts and as 2015 continued I got another internship where I read scripts. And here in the beginning of 2016 I'm reading scripts at both internships. So I've replaced reading books with reading scripts. It's not what I wanted to happen but it did. 

Since my last post I finally finished Room by Emma Donoghue, saw the film and got my hands on the script. Hopefully there will be a Novel Adaptation post about it. I'm not going to say in the near future because I don't think it will be in the near future. I'm debating whether I should post the books I've read in 2015 as reading last year was a bust for me. This year I'm hoping to do better and with one book done and dusted I think I will. 

Lately I've been really enjoying shows that SyFy is producing. I only ever watched the channel for The Twilight Zone marathons, but I watched a couple of their shows on Netflix and really liked them. While I was watching The Twilight Zone marathon on New Years the same promo for the show The Magicians kept playing. I was hooked by the third time I'd seen the third version of the promo. It looks high quality like SyFy shows are getting these days and funny. Somehow --I don't remember how; probably during my research of the show-- I discovered the show is based off a trilogy of books by Lev Grossman. And that trilogy is what I'm reading now. There's no way I'll be able to finish the first book let alone the trilogy before the show premieres as it premiered last night at 9pm. But I don't mind reading the books along side watching the show. I'm eighteen pages into The Magicians and I'm curious so far. Hopefully this trilogy will take me into February and after that who knows what I'll read or where all be. Just know I'll be somewhere feeling just the right amount of bad about not posting on here consistently. But you, you keep reading and let me know what you're reading at pulledfromthebookshelf@gmail.com. 

Should we take bets on when I'll post next? 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jonathan Tropper: One of the Greats

Jonathan Trooper is an amazing author who knows how to hit and stun you with emotion. His novels are the greatest depictions of every day life I've ever read. He manages to be incredibly heart wrenching while still being able to make you laugh. It's truly a treat reading his novels.

This list is not in the order I read them. Enjoy the pictures!

This Is Where I Leave You: Favorite. Wonderful, artful and skillful blend of comedy and tragedy.

Plan B: Tropper's first novel and my second favorite. I always can identify with the main characters, but in Plan B I identified on a whole bunch of different, deeper levels.

How to Talk to a Widower: Haunting and hilariously how real and true to life it was.

One Last Thing Before I Go: My least favorite

The Book of Joe: The most emotional Tropper novel in the group. I felt it all while reading The Book of Joe.

Everything Changes: Surprising and in a three way tie with How to Talk to a Widower and Plan B as my second favorite Tropper novel.


I recommend you read all of Jonathan Tropper's novels! They're brilliant and he's amazing!

Thank You for keeping me entertained, Jonathan Tropper.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Looking Forward...

And just as quickly life can surprise you, it can and will surprise you again. But this time maybe not in the way you planned.

You may have noticed I took another unscheduled, unannounced, unforeseen, unexpected hiatus. To give a simple explanation, without going into too many details of my personal life, the Universe had some different plans for me than I had for myself. So I needed some time to regroup and recover. This summer has been refreshing and lazy. Just exactly the break I needed after four hardworking years in college. Now summer's over and I've taken the time I so desperately needed and I'm ready to come back. I have a lot of time now to read and write new fresh posts for you and I plan on doing that. I really do. I've already requested a bunch of books from my local library. I should be picking them up as soon as Monday! I can't wait to read them, they're some very exciting picks. You'll have to wait until I do a reading list for September to see my picks. But worry not! That post is queued up and ready to post within the first week of September.

In the future, when I feel I need to take another break or if something happens where I'm forced to take a break, I'm going to be more conscious of warning you first. I feel I owe that to you. You've read my blog maybe for a some years now. Maybe you like it and are disappointed when I abruptly don't post for several months in a row. I feel the same way about blogs I follow. But we're only human, right? Sometimes things don't go according to plan. If I pull another hiatus without notice, I'm sorry in advance. I hope you'll enjoy my old posts or be reading a book most compelling to distract you from my absence. I'll also try to have scheduled posts to keep you satiated in my absence.

Meanwhile, get ready for a new month of new posts! I'm working on giving myself a schedule. Maybe starting at posting twice a month then working my way back to posting once a week like I did in 2013.

Have any recommendations for me? Send them to me at pulledfromthebookshelf@gmail.com

P.S.: How do you like the new look? I figured a change on here would be good.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Reading List!: MAY 2015

Welcome to my first reading list post of the new year! I don't have much on my list. I'm not sure what I want to read anymore. I'm really into series at the moment and keep finishing them faster than I can find a new one. May is half over so by the time I posted this, I've finished The Last Town.  Two weeks ago I was browsing Barnes & Noble and discovered that Chuck Palahniuk published a new book last year. I immediately knew I had to read it. I'm even more excited to read it than I am to finish the Wayward Pines series. Last week I missed my chance to pick up Beautiful You from the library so I had to re-request. Now I'm waiting for it to be ready. In the meantime, I'm finally going to finish The Defining Decade. This is the second time I've checked this book out and I've had it since the middle of March. And I picked up another David Sedaris book on a whim. It was there, it's on my To Read List so I checked it out. His collection of essays/short story novels always give me and laugh and make me feel better. 

The Last Town by Blake Crouch 
Beautiful You by Chuck Palahniuk 
The Defining Decade by Meg Jay
When You are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris

What's on your reading list?

Stay tuned for more exciting, colorful, picture filled posts!