Monday, September 8, 2014

Reading List!: September 2014

Today is International Literacy Day! (I did not know this was a day until today and apparently it was first celebrated on September 8, 1966!) Since today is a day to celebrate reading, I thought it would be perfect to post my reading list for this month. I was going to wait until I got all the books I plan on reading this month, but nah. No time like the present. I even started reading one of the books. 

In honor of the film adaption of This Is Where I Leave You being released this month, I've decided to read a couple more Jonathan Tropper novels. I thought about rereading This Is Where I Leave You in time for the film, but I loved the novel so much it's still fresh in my mind. I read it over a year ago! Check out my review here! I'm very excited for the film; I can't wait to see it! It comes out on September 19! Read the book and mark your calendars! 

(Here's the novel I just started reading.)

It was difficult to decide which Jonathan Tropper novel to read next. (I've read This Is Where I Leave You and One Last Thing Before I Go.) While reading the synopsis of his other novels, I was a bit put off. Not because they weren't compelling, but because I'm in a very emotional place right now. I'm months away from graduating and going out to look for a dream job in my chosen career and it is nerve wrecking. 

Most of his novels are way too real to life for me to be reading right now, in this fragile state. I feel like it's me reading into my future. It's amazing how This Is Where I Leave You and One Last Thing Before I Go are so different from the novels I picked (in terms of being more relatable to my life). But I'm sucking it up, remembering he's a great writer and reading Plan B and How to Talk to a Widower. I'm very excited to read Plan B.

Also thrown in to the mix are The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini and Hemlock Grove or The Wise Wolf by Brian McGreevy.

I haven't picked a number of how many books I want to read by the end of the year yet. If I mentioned it in a past post, I'll have to check. But I think reading about four books every month is a great monthly goal and whatever number I get by December will be fine with me. 

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