Monday, April 7, 2014

Don't Call It A Comeback

Well, alright, alright, alright. Hello fellow readers! It's been almost three months since I last posted. Click through to read what I've been up to. 

I remember about a year ago when I thought it was awkward after having not posted for a couple of weeks. Now it's been couple of months and I don't know how to feel. Ashamed maybe? I feel like I've abandoned this blog and I am in no way ready to do that. This is the most over used excuse, but I've just been REALLY busy. I honestly have not had a minute, ONE minute, to myself since Christmas vacation. Those were the days. Chilling, not having to answer my phone, being able to read whenever and wherever. Now I mostly sleep on the train every change I get because I was up late the night before working. What a life. 

I've managed to read three books in the three months that the new year has offered. That clearly needs to change if I want to reach my goal. It's not that I have a lack of books to read (trust me, I have plenty to read) I just do not have the time and it's killing me. Recently, I've been getting back into reading on the train and just reading more in general. I still don't have any time to myself, but I'm making time for myself. Reading helps me take my mind off of writing which allows me to think of new ideas and be inspired. Reading is my savior. I've really missed reading. I can't wait for the day when I have no more work and stress and can quietly read for days. I want the days, months to pass as I drift off deep into a book. 

I had some time to kill the other day and I went to Barnes and Noble, my favorite place. It's rare that I buy a book from Barnes and Noble, especially a book I've never read before, but it's here that I find new books I want to borrow from the library. On this trip I discovered Jonathan Tropper's other books. I read the back descriptions and I couldn't get home fast enough to request them from my local library. I've been making this promise to me and you for months, but I'm finally going to start reading the Sookie Stackhouse series. I'm getting antsy waiting for True Blood to come back on HBO so I might as well read the series. I also want to read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I have no intention of seeing the film adaptation, but he's a great author and it's a book to read. 

I'm slowly getting back into my groove of reading. It's still going to take sometime for the posts to be regular again so stick with me, kids. I really appreciate it. I've got a bunch of posts lined up and ready.

Currently I'm reading the Heather Wells mystery series by Meg Cabot. Check it out!

S T A Y  T U N E D ! ! !  
J U S T  K E E P  R E A D I N G ! ! !

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