Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Ten Best of 2013

2013!!! Am I right?!
What a great year for reading. I certainly enjoyed it.

I completed my goal of reading thirty books in 2013 and I couldn't more proud of myself! Out of all those novels here are my ten favorites in no particular order because they were all incredible.

If you read any of these books, definitely read ALL OF THEM. They're all funny, well written and you'll learn a lot after reading them.

If you've seen this post, you'll recognize some of these novels.
(Links to reviews of the novels are on my blog to the right.)

Drumroll, please, as you enter to see my favorite novels of the past year...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Books I've Read in 2013

I didn't keep track in 2012, but I feel that 2013 was a really good year for my reading habit. I set a new record for myself. I read forty book this year! I'll do better next year. I tried to determine what I read in what month based off my posts and what I remember. It only occurred to me after I was well past my goal to write down what I read in what month. I can say that before April is mostly guessing, but after April is completely accurate.

And here is it: all the books I read in 2013! 

Friday, December 20, 2013

RIP Ned Vizzini

Yesterday, we lost Ned Vizzini, a great, promising young author and television writer. I had the pleasure to read two of his many novels, It's Kind of a Funny Story and Be More Chill my freshman year of college. They brought a lot of joy, humor and reality into my unusual first year at college. I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to review them on here, but they're wonderful, funny books. I think everyone should read them, especially It's Kind of a Funny Story. I'm sorry he had to leave us so soon. My prayers to his family and friends. He will be missed, very much. 

Rest in peace, Ned Vizzini. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Update #13: The Last Update of 2013

I know you're probably SO tired of seeing updates on my blog. I think a good majority of my posts for this year have been updates. I know it sucks and I don't like writing them over writing reviews, but I don't want it to go unexplained why I haven't been posting regularly. 

The main reason is finals have been kicking my ass. I haven't had a minute to myself since Thanksgiving weekend. I have had NO time. I've been writing papers since the first week of December. I've only been able to read on the way to school because as soon as I get home I go straight into working on papers. 

I've decided Doomed By Chuck Palahniuk will be the last book I read in 2013. It's unfortunate that I won't be completing my goal of reading fifty books this year. However, I did complete my first which was to read thirty books this year. I would've loved to read more books this year, but as soon as school started my leisure time stopped. I only read one book in November. It really sucks, but next year hopefully I'll complete my goal of reading fifty books. Maybe when finals are over and I start my Christmas break, I'll read a couple more books. For now, I just want to finish Doomed, the semester and relax. I don't think I'll want to read anything after school ends because I just feel like I'll want to give my brain a rest. If I do end up reading more books, those will be revealed in my end of the year post. So stay tuned. 

I hope your last month of 2013 has been easier than mine and I hope whatever book you're reading is enjoyable!