Friday, June 21, 2013

Update #9

Hey Readers! 

This is going to be a brisk update! 

I have posts all ready to go, but I didn't feel now, at the end of June, was a good time to publish them. 

I've been reading now more than ever, even with my life as busy as it is. I'm really proud to say that I'm one book away from reaching my first goal of reading twenty books in 2013. I'm going to reach my goal of fifty book in 2013 in no time as I've checked out seven books from my local library. 

I hope your month has also been full of great reading and I hope it continues! Normal posting with resume in July. Sorry if you were waiting for a review! One is coming real soon, I promise! 
Feel free to explore my blog and read my old posts to pass the time!

Read On, Reading Monsters! 

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