Friday, June 28, 2013

Novel Adaptation: Drive

Would you be as surprised as I was to find out Drive (2011) starring Ryan Gosling was based off of a book? Well, it's true! The film was based off of a book of the same title by James Sallis. I only found out this information because I research on IMDb like most people creep on Facebook. I don't even remember the adaptation being mentioned in the opening credits of the film. I'll have to watch it again to be sure. When I found out Drive was a book first, of course I had to read it! I love a bit of film noir and in a novel version, I couldn't resist.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Update #9

Hey Readers! 

This is going to be a brisk update! 

I have posts all ready to go, but I didn't feel now, at the end of June, was a good time to publish them. 

I've been reading now more than ever, even with my life as busy as it is. I'm really proud to say that I'm one book away from reaching my first goal of reading twenty books in 2013. I'm going to reach my goal of fifty book in 2013 in no time as I've checked out seven books from my local library. 

I hope your month has also been full of great reading and I hope it continues! Normal posting with resume in July. Sorry if you were waiting for a review! One is coming real soon, I promise! 
Feel free to explore my blog and read my old posts to pass the time!

Read On, Reading Monsters! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Library Haul

So, I went to the library this week and came back with all of this.

Last time, when I requested five books all at once, I thought I had reached my greatest amount of requesting books at once. But no, I was mistaken.

This time I requested seven books from the library. I got really excited and I wanted to read all of them at the same time. Well, I got my wish and now here I am with seven books checked out of the library. I haven't had an overdue book for about five years. That all might change because of this week. But if that's the price I pay for some great reading, so be it.

I don't even have to say how excited I am to start reading. Most of these books are comedic and I rarely ever read a book that's written for laughs. It's a good change and I embrace it.

Psychology for Screenwriters by William Indick
This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don't Touch It by David Wong
F*CK!: I'm in my Twenties by Emma Koenig
Palo Alto: Stories by James Franco
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling
Breakfast at Tiffany's and Three Stories by Truman Capote
John Dies at the End by David Wong

Sidenote: This another beauty blogger inspired post. It's a spin on the typical "haul video" or post about their new purchases. The best part of this haul is you can easily obtain the items because they're at your local library!

Monday, June 3, 2013

P A L A H N I U K: The Great and Powerful

The wise and crafty Chuck Palahniuk is tied with Bret Easton Ellis for being my favorite author. His novels have made my brain melt on more than one occasion. I'm so astonished by his writing. I feel like he effortlessly writes these novels, creates these memorable and amazing characters, and puts in these soon to be iconic quotes. I'm really impressed by Chuck Palahniuk.

I've finally finished reading all the novels he's written. And now I find myself pining for the next Palahniuk fix. Should I begin rereading all his novels? The answer is always Y E S.

Here is a lovely roundup of my thoughts and opinions on the greatness that is a Palahniuk novel.