Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Childhood Reading

From a very early age I was getting books read to me and it's no wonder I started reading before kindergarten. It's kind of funny when I look back on it because some days my friends would spend more time with the teacher and I always wondered why. It turned out they didn't know how to read and they needed more time with the teacher to learn. So I overreacted then, in kindergarten, and that trend continues throughout my young adult life. But I digress.

My mom was really into helping my brother and I get to our full potential. Reading is a good way to get there because if you can read, you will always be learning and gaining information. So she read to us all the time. There are bookcases of Marc Brown, Eric Carle, Disney, etc books in my house. I've definitely had them all read to me and on my own I've probably read them all again. Every night before tucking me in, my mom would read a book to me. I remember there was a time in my life when every night my mom would read a mystery Barbie book from this series I got. I loved those books. They're all gone now; my mom gave them away to the kids she teaches. I don't mind because I've outgrown them, but maybe I should've kept them for my daughter. When I outgrew being read to before I go to sleep I started reading on my own. I read the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen mystery series, the Captain Underpants series, Goosebumps, everything. I couldn't get enough.

Recently, my mom told me that my absolute favorite book for her to read to me was Dumbo. Every night that's what she read to me. I don't remember that at all, but it's not surprising because I love Dumbo now. That explains why. She says I loved Dumbo because of his pink ears. I loved pink when I was little. Isn't that cute because I'm not too fond of pink now.
This is my old Dumbo book.

If I had to pick one thing to thank my mom for, besides my life, it'd have to be introducing reading to me at such a young age. I can't imagine where I'd be right now if I didn't read at such an early age. It sounds weird to say because reading doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but it's a big deal to me. I really think reading has shaped me into the person I am today. I think reading and film go hand in hand,  but that's another post in itself.

I think it's really important to read at an early age because it helps with learning and it's fun. I know my kids will definitely be reading everything I read as a kid, especially Captain Underpants.

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