Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Obsession, Deceit, and Really Dark Chocolate x Ski Teal We Drop

I'm taking a quick break from my "Chuck Palahniuk read-athon" to indulge myself in a little lite reading. Much like those nights when you throw caution to the wind, pop in your favorite romantic comedy and shovel that Ben and Jerry's into your mouth like you're filling a grave to hide you guilty pleasure.

I've been reading Kyra Davis novels here and there. I read my first one in eighth grade. I was browsing and just decided to pick it up. I read another book of hers at the end of 2011. I only pick up a Davis novel when I see it. I don't go out of my way to read her novels. Except this time. I really wanted to do another nail polish/book post. I searched all the Palahniuk books I have yet to read, but couldn't find one with cover art that went well with the nail polish I wanted to wear this week. Being the crafty little bugger I am, I thought maybe I should look up some cover art from Kyra Davis. And lo and behold, here I am with another nail polish/currently reading post!

I was really adamant about wearing Ski Teal We Drop from OPI this week and I think Obsession, Deceit, and Really Dark Chocolate by Kyra Davis meshes quite nicely.

Obsession, Deceit, and Really Dark Chocolate is novel #3 in the Sophie Katz Murder Mystery series by Krya Davis. It also happens to be the third Kyra Davis novel I've read. I'm reading the series out of order like I did with Gossip Girl. I don't mind; it's more fun this way! Her style of writing is pretty generic, but I love her use of adjectives, ability to describe certain scenes and the titles of her books are divine!

And of course, who doesn't love a bit of a mystery!

Psst! Check out my first nail polish x book post here.

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