Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update #2

Hello Little Reading Monsters!!!

This is actually the second time I'm writing this post because I don't even know what happend, but all the writing got replaced by the stuff I wrote in the first Update post and I couldn't recover it.

(Do I sound like Lady Gaga? It just occurred to me, right this second that Lady Gaga's fans are called Monsters or Little Monsters. I've had this blog for just about four months and I never realized it before. Did you realize it?)

Greetings from Los Angeles!!! As I write this, I'm currently laying on my bed in my dorm room at UCLA. How exciting, right?!

In the first Update post I mentioned that I'd be heading off to LA soon and posts would be slow. It's only been a week that I've been here and I think I've done pretty well. Granted, I only post once a week and it's only been a week, but still I'm dedicated!!

As I expected, I forgot to pack something. Guess what I forgot to pack, amongst all things!! I forgot to pack books! One book to read on the flight here and one to read on the flight home. I realized on the plane, so I just fell asleep. Which is probably what's going to happen on the flight home. I was kind of upset. I wanted to read the books so that I'd have some books to post about. I still have some posts up my sleeves though.

I have been reading scripts instead of books lately. Actually, one script. It took me four days to read. But I finished reading my first full length, feature film script! I can't really talk about it, so that's all I'm going to say about that. I'm excited to read more scripts as well!!

I'm having tons of fun here in Sunny California. I just wish I had a good book to read while I tan and relax on by the pool or on the beach.

One week down, seven more to go!!!

Are you currently reading something?

Until the next page, Happy Reading!!!

From a Little Reading Monster.

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