Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year!!!

The first week of January was "New Year's Resolution" week. Although I don't really see a point in making resolutions, I thought it would be fun to make a list of what I want to read and accomplish for this blog in 2014. 

Last year, I reached my goal of reading thirty books, but really I wanted to read fifty. That's one of my goals for this year. My other goals include:
  • Read all of the Sookie Stackhouse novels
  • Finish the Sophie Katz series
  • Read all of Meg Cabot's novels
  • Publish all the drafts I have on this blog
  • Write more review posts
I wonder how I'll do as January is pretty much halfway through and I've only read one book. This will be a challenge, but nothing's worth doing if you don't have to work for it. 

What are your reading goals for 2014? 

Good Luck with your 2014 goals and resolutions!! 

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