Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kyra Davis: An Unexpected Favorite

Once someone Googled "words to describe Kyra Davis" and they stumbled upon this post. I'm sure they were disappointed as that post only showed how my nail polish went so well with the cover art. However, if they were to Google it again, I hope they would come across this post because I'm going to talk about Kyra Davis and her novels and I promise to use words to describe her.

I just had to make this post. I can't remember the last time I was this excited to talk about a Kyra Davis novel. I don't even think I was this excited when I read my first Kyra Davis novel, Sex, Murder and a Double Latte. But ever since then I've been periodically reading her series whenever I feel like I need a break from novels I really want to read. I don't love her genre, but I like the simple mystery plots. I've always wanted to write a mystery story, but I don't know how.. I can't really explain it, but at this moment in my life I won't be writing any mysteries. Anyway, like I said in this post, I read chick lit as a guilty pleasure. Davis's series is about Sophie Katz, an independent woman who solves crimes. And as an added bonus she gets to do it (sexually innuendo meaning as well) with a sexy male partner, Anatoly. I can't say that I don't wish that was me sometimes. Maybe not the crime fighting part, but the part about having sex with a beefy Russian.

Well, when I started reading Passion, Betrayal and Killer Highlights I was floored at how easily I connected to it. I really felt like it was written about me; I was Sophie Katz, everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. I was amazed at how fast I was reading it too; one moment I was on the first page, two seconds later I was one hundred pages in! I couldn't believe it. I was really into this book. So far it's my favorite in the whole series and I'm halfway through the series. I've read the first book of the series, Sex, Murder and a Double Latte, when I was in eighth grade then five or six years later I read Lust, Loathing and a Little Lip Gloss and Obsession, Deceit and Really Dark Chocolate. I'm not reading the series in order because I'm not dying to read it and Sophie basically does the same thing in all the novels so you can read it out of order. That's another reason why I was so amazed at how much I liked Passion, Betrayal and Killer Highlights.

Kyra Davis really knows how to extend a story because all her novels are three hundred plus pages. I can't say each page has different, useful information, but it's entertaining. Since so far in the series I wasn't too pulled in by the plot or the mystery, I really only read these books because of the sex scenes. You may think that's a little pervy, but that's really why women read chick lit novels. Truthfully, sex scenes are one of the hardest scenes to write. You have to be real careful about the words you use while trying to be as descriptive as you can without being too raunchy and accidentally describing porn. You have to use words to show the passion between the two characters so that the reader can also see it. And I have to say Kyra Davis has mastered the art of the sex scene. She really knows the best words to use and paints a perfect picture with those words. Her grasp of the sex scene in a novel is similar to Meg Cabot's. That's saying something from me because I love Meg Cabot. I take queues from Davis whenever I have a love scene in one of my screenplays.

Besides the sex scenes, the titles of Davis's novels are fun and I like them. The characters in her books are the typical characters you've seen before; there's nothing special about them, really. Perhaps Sophie and Anatoly are the most different characters because of how they speak and interact with each other. They're both pretty sarcastic and play off each other; they make a good couple in my eyes.

As much as I only read Davis's series to pass time, I will admit I really admire how she blends her real life experiences and her imagination so seamlessly. It's no secret authors tend to write what they know. By that I mean we write from our real life experiences. We'll base a character off of our best friend or make the protagonist how we see ourselves. Davis is no stranger to this. At first I thought it was painful how obvious it was that she based Sophie Katz on herself, but in Passion, Betrayal and Killer Highlights I felt differently about that. I would hope that the murder mystery part of the series is Davis's imagination, but I don't know. That'd be crazy if that part of the plot was from her real life experiences.

Did I use enough words to describe Kyra Davis? Here are some more in a row in case I didn't. I would describe Kyra Davis as witty (for her two main characters Sophie and Anatoly), funny (at times) and admirable (because she writes the mysteries I've only attempted).

Here's the list of the Sophie Katz series in order:
  1. Sex, Murder and a Double Latte
  2. Passion, Betrayal and Killer Highlights
  3. Obsession, Deceit and Really Dark Chocolate
  4. Lust, Loathing and a Little Lip Gloss
  5. Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress
  6. Vanity, Vengeance and a Weekend in Vegas 
(Although you don't have to read them in order.)

If I recommend any book in this series, it'd be Passion, Betrayal and Killer Highlights. Go out and read it today!

I wonder if Davis has novels not from this series... 

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