Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Update #3

Well this is a bit awkward, no?

Today, while sitting on my bum at work, I realized I missed a week posting on this blog. It's possible that I missed two weeks. I'm actually too afraid to check. Maybe I'll check after I post this.

I just wanted to say that I'm alive and I haven't abandoned this blog. I've just been having so much fun in California (not to brag), I've lost track of time (obviously) and with all that's happened/happening I'm not sure if I can slow down and get back on track anytime soon. I have less than three weeks left here (UPSET) and I really want to enjoy them, go crazy and focus on social interactions. I'm probably never going to see these people again (SADNESS) so I want to enjoy the time I have left (which I actually have yet to do). But I digress.

Regularly scheduled blogging will commence in a couple of weeks, maybe sooner since I just remembered I had this blog...

I'm sorry my Little Reading Monsters!

Just Keep Reading!

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